female pattern baldness explained

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Female Pattern Baldness or Female Pattern Hair Loss is a form of Alopecia called Androgenic or Androgenetic Alopecia (APA). It is the most common type of female hair loss affecting approximately 50% of women over 65 and typically presents itself as thinning at the crown of the head. Because it is caused by a number of genetic and hormonal factors, it also affects younger women.


Many of our Clients come to Hair Solved with diagnosed or suspected Female Pattern Baldness which is also known as Androgenic or Androgenetic Alopecia (APA).

They find the Enhancer System to be a complete solution for both the physical and emotional affects this female hair loss condition can cause. Our solution is completely bespoke and can be modified and adjusted over time as your requirements change.

We use the highest quality real hair extensions to mirror the look and feel of your own hair. Using this combination of real hair extensions and a lightweight mesh means not only is the Enhancer System the most natural looking hair system, but you will also have total confidence that your system is secure.

What’s more because the extensions are applied to a breathable mesh the weight is distributed evenly and therefore doesn’t pull or cause any damage to your own hair and result in traction alopecia.

Our Salon Teams are highly experienced and understand the devastating impact Female Pattern Baldness can have and how the Enhancer System can not only restore your confidence but give you the beautiful, natural looking hair you want.


Amanda's Story

Female client with female pattern baldness smiling after enhancer system was fitted

“As a child I’d always had thin hair that never grew long, I looked like a boy and got upset when I had to explain I was a girl. As I got older my hair became thinner due to being pre-menopausal. It was so distressing, my confidence was at an all-time low and I stopped going out except to work.

From the day I had my first system my life changed completely. My confidence came back and I started to have a social life. I attended meetings for work again,  I went swimming with my family. It was amazing for someone who had been one step away from becoming agoraphobic. I wouldn’t be who I am today without it and feel feminine and attractive for the first time in my life.”

Female Pattern Baldness Symptoms

Amanda showing affect of her female pattern baldness

Women experience widely spread thinning of the hair, mainly on the crown of the scalp. The hairline at the front of the scalp often remains normal. Hairs in the affected areas are initially thinner (smaller in diameter), and shorter compared to hairs in unaffected areas, before they become absent.

For men, hair loss starts in the front of the head and recedes to the back until they go bald, whereas women lose hair from all over their head, often starting at the parting. Hair at the temples may also recede. Woman are less likely to go completely bald but may experience a lot of thinning throughout their hair.

For women, FPB usually starts in the 50’s or 60’s, which is later than for men. It can, however, affect women at a much earlier age and can be associated with conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It is not usually associated with any scalp symptoms.

If you have Female Pattern Baldness your hair’s growing phase slows down. It also takes longer for new hair to begin growing. Hair follicles shrink, leading the hair that does grow to be thinner and finer and it can result in hair that breaks easily. It’s normal for women to lose 50 to 100 hairs each day, but those with female pattern baldness can lose many more.

Female Pattern Baldness Causes

A variety of hormonal, genetic and environmental factors play a role in causing androgenetic alopecia or female pattern baldness

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the main hormone responsible for APA in genetically susceptible individuals. DHT causes hair loss by inducing a change in the hair follicles. The hairs produced by the follicles affected by DHT become progressively smaller until eventually the follicles shrink completely and stop producing hair.

Female Pattern Baldness is more common in women during and after the menopause and whilst it is normal for women to lose hair as they age if it is significant speak to your doctor or a dermatologist.

This condition tends to cluster in families and having a close relative with patterned hair loss appears to be a risk factor for developing the condition. Hair loss is passed down from parents to their children with many different genes involved.

You can inherit these genes from either parent and so more likely to have female pattern baldness if your mother, father, or other close relatives have experienced hair loss.

Research also suggests that environmental factors such as pollution, smoking and physical or psychological trauma can cause female pattern baldness.

Female pattern baldness isn’t reversible which is why so many women choose the Enhancer System to give them the length, volume and beautiful hair they desire.

To show how natural and versatile our system really is, some of our wonderful Clients have shared their images in our gallery.


Keeping your hair healthy

Whilst it isn’t possible to reverse the effects of Female Pattern Baldness taking care of yourself and your hair is always a good idea. And although you can’t prevent female pattern baldness, you can protect your hair from breakage and keep it as healthy as possible.

• Eat a healthy diet
• Avoid treatments that can break or damage your hair
• Ask your doctor if any of the medicines you take can promote hair loss
• Smoking damages hair follicles and can speed up hair loss
• Too much sun exposure can damage your hair, protect your scalp if your hair is thinning

Cathy's Story

Cathy’s hairline began to recede when she was in her twenties, which as you can imagine, was shocking and devastating for a woman in the prime of life. She went to her local GP, but tests failed to identify a cause. Her hairline was receding at the front and sides, which is a common pattern of male hair loss, but can also affect some women. As her hair loss progressed she became increasingly self-conscious and withdrawn.

“I would look at the floor so I wouldn’t look at people directly. I didn’t want to see their reaction; people are cruel and they do look and stare and that made me feel worse when I went out.”

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