My Trichotillomania Journey

“My Trichotillomania Journey Continues”

Many of you will recognise Laura, she has been a client and advocate of Hair Solved and our Enhancer System for over 10 years. She has shared her evolving story with you all over the years to raise awareness and inspire women with Trichotillomania and other forms of hair loss. In this latest blog Laura shares a very personal and interesting insight in her Trichotillomania journey when she decided to shave her remaining hair off and try life without a system.

It was during lockdown that I decided to shave my hair off.

I was already using a system with tape which at the time required me to shave small patches of hair so that the tape would stick. I remember thinking that my hair just needed a rest – I needed a rest.

My own hair was all different lengths and after 10 years of wearing hair systems everyday I wanted a change.

Female with no hair, glamorous make up statement earrings looking positive

Shaving my head felt freeing

I used my husband’s hair clippers and he helped me do the back. It felt exhilarating, I felt brave but also knew I could quickly hide under the hair system again.

I didn’t like walking around without the hair system on with the little hair I did have as it was so patchy, thin and uneven. But with a shaved head I felt different.

It was strange to look in the mirror and it felt spiky to touch. I went into the garden and the sun felt amazing on my head. My hair system was a bit like a hat and so my scalp hadn’t seen the sun in years.

It was freeing.There was definitely a lot of fear to begin with when I went out with no hair.

I could have easily continued to tape my hair systems on when leaving the house but something inside me kept telling me not to.

Laura's butterfly & flower tattoo on her head

Laura's butterfly & flower tattoo

A few years on and I’m still bald.

I got a tattoo on my head of flowers and a butterfly and small dots to fill in areas of my scalp that never grow hair.

I would never have chosen to have no hair but it does have its positives.

I never have a bad hair day, I don’t need expensive shampoo or conditioners.

I don’t need to spend money at the hairdressers and if I wear a wig or hair system then it’s to compliment an outfit or because I want to rather than because I feel I have to.


"Nobody ever said anything negative. Instead people praised my bravery and were inspired." Laura

We are so grateful to Laura for sharing this very personal part of her story. If you would like to know more about trichotillomania you can visit our helpful page here.

This isn’t the end of Laura’s journey with Hair Solved so please do make sure you follow our social media channels for some very exciting news over the next few weeks.


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